Sebastian Krings
Sebastian Krings
Michael Leuschel
Integrating Formal Specifications into Applications - The ProB Java API
The First Twenty-Five Years of Industrial Use of the B Method
Validation and Real-Life Demonstration of ETCS Hybrid Level 3 Principles Using a Formal B Model
Translating Alloy and Extensions to Classical B
Embedding SMT-LIB into B for Interactive Proof and Constraint Solving
Embedding High-Level Formal Specifications into Applications
The History and Evolution of B and Event-B
Repair and Generation of Formal Models Using Synthesis
From Software Specifications to Constraint Programming
A Translation from Alloy to B
Using a Formal B Model at Runtime in a Demonstration of the ETCS Hybrid Level 3 Concept with Real Trains
Three is a crowd: SAT, SMT and CLP on a chessboard
Proof Assisted Bounded and Unbounded Symbolic Model Checking of Software and System Models
Contraint Logic Programming over Infinite Domains with an Application to Proof
SMT Solvers for Validation of B and Event-B models
Interactive Model Repair by Synthesis
Proof Assisted Symbolic Model Checking for B and Event-B
Turning Failure into Proof: The ProB Disprover for B and Event-B
Inferring Physical Units in Formal Models
From Animation to Data Validation: The ProB Constraint Solver 10 Years On
Who watches the watchers: Validating the ProB Validation Tool
Inferring Physical Units in B Models
Turning Failure into Proof: Evaluating the ProB Disprover
B constrained